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發布時間: 2021-06-03 06:10:04

1. 這本書是吉娜的,那本呢。


2. DARE ONE是什麼品牌

DARE ONE是來自義大利的內衣品牌,創立於2017年初。DARE ONE依託義大利百年內衣製造工藝和義大利奢華面料與設計。DARE ONE是一個內衣品牌,展現生活方式。

DARE ONE是一個有愛、有溫度、有內涵、詮釋正面內衣品牌,代表義大利內衣睡衣設計理念和義大利科莫高級桑蠶絲面料以及百年傳統工坊工藝,生活品質的象徵。


DARE ONE是集合現代設計、細節及時尚質感於一體的女性內衣品牌,於2017年2月14日正式與中國女性見面。DARE ONE認為,女性身體優美曲線源自於富有熱情,應得到熱愛,並被贊美。

DARE ONE將絲綢裁剪。DARE ONE包含內衣(內衣套裝、連體衣、內褲、文胸)、睡衣(睡衣套裝、睡裙、睡袍、睡衣下裝、睡衣上裝)、系列(byzance、little rose、invisible等)。

3. 吉娜跳的草裙舞的音樂叫什麼 是一首女歌手唱的英文歌 很想知道 謝謝了

If I Were A Boy - Beyoncé
If I were a boy even just for a day

I'd roll outta bed in the morning
And throw on what I wanted and go

Drink beer with the guys

And chase after girls

I'd kick it with who I wanted
And I'd never get confronted for it
'Cause they'd stick up for me

If I were a boy

I think I could understand

How it feels to love a girl
I swear I'd be a better man

I'd listen to her

'Cause I know how it hurts

When you lose the one you wanted
'Cause he's taken you for granted
And everything you had got destroyed
If I were a boy

I would turn off my phone

Tell everyone it's broken
So they'd think that I was sleeping alone

I'd put myself first

And make the rules as I go

'Cause I know that she'd be faithful
Waiting for me to come home

To come home
If I were a boy

I think I could understand

How it feels to love a girl
I swear I'd be a better man

I'd listen to her

'Cause I know how it hurts

When you lose the one you wanted
'Cause he's taken you for granted
And everything you had got destroyed

It's a little too late for you to come back
Say it's just a mistake
Think I'd forgive you like that
If you thought I would wait for you
You thought wrong

But you're just a boy

You don't understand
Yeah you don't understand oh
How it feels to love a girl
Someday you'll wish you were a better man

You don't listen to her

You don't care how it hurts

Until you lose the one you wanted
'Cause you're taken her for granted
And everything you had got destroyed

But you're just a boy