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發布時間: 2024-05-18 06:12:11

㈠ 各國校服的英語作文

School uniforms of different countries

Every country's school uniform has its own characteristics.School uniform is a student's clothes.What countries do you know about school uniforms?Let me tell you!

Basically, Chinese mainland primary school, junior high school and high school are uniforms with sportswear, often in blue, black and red, and collocation with a small part of white or yellow. Summer school uniform is usually short sleeve shirt, some school girls summer school uniform is skirt. Most of them are men's and women's trousers. For some schools with thin winter uniforms, warm clothes such as sweaters can be added to the uniforms. Some schools also have spring and autumn uniforms, whose thickness is between summer uniforms and winter uniforms, increasing students' choice. For different seasons of school uniform, except for specific occasions, the school generally allows students to match freely.And in HongKong,China andGuangdong and Guangxi of China,girls can wear the「Cheongsam school uniform」.They think they're beautiful!

Although the South Korean climate with four distinct seasons, but the school uniforms do not because of coldinstead of gender differences between boys and girls,Korean girls winter uniforms and still a knee length skirt,with warm wool tights instead of trousers, which not only focus on the warm and uniforms, and guarantee the styles of appearance and uniform difference between men and women.

In the UK,School uniform classic style, simple and generous, girls for skirts, boys for suits. Although the school uniform is good, it costs a lot. According to statistics, the total cost of British parents to buy school uniforms for their children every year is as much as 1 billion pounds.Then Australian school uniforms are mainly dark blue suits, dark gray trousers, white shirts and diagonal striped ties. Some schools also require boys to wear black shoes and white socks with lace up. In PE class, boys also have special sportswear, usually white T-shirt and dark blue shorts. Both men and women should wear lace up black shoes and white socks. They usually wear school uniform. They only change sportswear when they go to PE class.Finally inVietnam,girls can wear a local dress similar to a cheongsam——Ao Dai.,etc.

All in all, school uniform is the symbol of a region.Do you think so?

㈡ 這是什麼學校的校服


㈢ 這是哪個國際學校的校服


㈣ 中國哪些大學有校服


校服 (拼音:xiào fú)是學校規定的統一樣式的學生服裝,中小學學生普遍穿著。





㈤ 鍖椾含鍝涓瀛︽牎鐨勫コ鐢熸牎鏈嶆槸緔鑹茬煭琚


㈥ 各省市「校服」大盤點,你最喜歡哪個省的"校服"




