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发布时间: 2023-01-31 00:00:56

Ⅰ 英语怎么改一般疑问句和特殊疑问句


Ⅱ sevenhalf女装待遇


Ⅲ he always什么to school at seven为什么不用goes而用gets

He always goes to school at seven.汉语意思是:他总是七点钟上学。
而He always gets to school at seven.的汉语意思是:他总是七点钟到达学校。之所以这题用gets不用 goes,估计有上下文吧。

Ⅳ ALWAYS OPEN seven eleven 是什么意思


Ⅳ 《英语国际音标》Chapter seven 辅音连缀 /tr/ /dr/ /ts/ /dz/

 tree  /tri:/  树

发音规则: 字组合tr常发/ tr /音

词首  tree train try treat truck truth

词中  country entry street contract restrict actress

词尾  英语中这个音不出现在词尾


  trip /trɪp/ 旅行                       train /treɪn/ 火车

  country /ˈkʌntri/ 国家           true /truː/ 真实的

  trunk /trʌŋk/ 树干                 tradition /trəˈdɪʃən/ 传统

  entrance /ˈentrəns/ 入口      truth /truːθ/ 真相

  treat /triːt/ 对待                     trust /trʌst/ 信任


  get into trouble  陷入麻烦;                travel by train  乘火车旅行

  a traditional training 一项传统培训;  try a pair of trousers on  试一条裤子


  He is trying to treat the man better. 他试着对这个男人好一点。

  They are trapped in the trouble. 他们陷入困境之中。

  We try to build an instrial country. 我们努力建设一个工业化城市。

  A stranger is wandering in the streets. 一个陌生人在大街上徘徊。


  A:  How about some ice-cream after all the hard work? My treat. 做完这么辛苦的工作后,吃点冰淇淋怎么样?我请客。

  B:  Wow! That sounds terrific. 哇!听起来好极了。

  A:  I think it sounds like pretty fair trade, too. 我想这似乎是很公平的交易。

  B:  I will come to help you any day. 我随时都愿意来帮你。


  The tacky tractor trailers trucks. 这辆破乱的拖拉机是用来拖卡车的。

  The children tried to trim the tree. 孩子们试着修剪这棵树。


  trick  train  trousers  country  entrance  hatred  introce  tradition  tree  tremble

  1.  A stranger is wandering in the streets. 一个陌生人在大街上徘徊。

  2.  Have a try before the trouble comes. 麻烦来之前先试一试。

  3.  He is trying to treat the man better. 他试着对这个男人好一点。

  4.  There are lots of trees in the country. 这个国家有很多树。

  5.  I´m in trouble. 我有麻烦了。

 drink  /drɪŋk/  喝酒

发音规则: 字组合 dr 常发/dr /音

词首  dress dream drive drain drink drop

词中  hundred address Madrid withdraw dewdrop eardrum

词尾  英语中这个音不出现在词尾


drama /ˈdrɑːmə/ 戏剧      dress /dres/ 女装

drunk /drʌŋk/ 喝醉酒       dry /draɪ/ 使变干

drive /draɪv/ 驾驶            dragon /ˈdræɡən/ 龙

dry /draɪ/ 干燥的             draw /drɔː/ 画

drum /drʌm/ 鼓                drug /drʌɡ/ 药


dripping drops  滴下的水滴;   draw a conclusion 得出结论

dry a dress  晒干一件衣服;     try to drink  尝试喝酒


  Hundreds of drivers gathered here.这里集聚了数百名司机。

  I stopped drinking. 我戒酒了。

  No driving after drinking, 禁止酒后驾车。

  A dewdrop dropped from the leave. 露珠从树叶上落下来。


  A:  Are you leaving right now? 你现在就要离开了吗?

  B:  Yes. Why? 是的。怎么了?

  A:  Would you do something for me? 请为我做件事好吗?

  B:  If I can, what do you want? 如果我能的话,你要我做什么?

  A:  Would you drop my book off at the library on your way home? 请你在回家的路上帮我把书送还图书馆好吗?

  B:  Sure. I´d be glad to. 当然。我很乐意。


  The drummers drummed. 鼓手敲鼓。

  The druggers hate the drummers´ drums. 吸毒者讨厌鼓手的鼓。


  drink  dress  children  drag  dragon  drama  dread  dream  drip  drift

  1.  A dewdrop dropped from the leave. 露珠从树叶上落下来。

  2.  Drop by drop the oceans are filled. 一滴一滴地填满了海洋。

  3.  George has dreadful manners. 乔治的举止很糟糕。

  4.  He dressed up as a drummer. 他打扮成一个鼓手。

  5.  She drew a house. 她画了一座房子。



Holly:  Rusty, you mean?Yes. I know about it. I certainty had him pegged wrong, didn´t I? I thought he was just a rat. But he was a super-fat all along. A super-rat in rat´s clothing. You don´t even know the best part. Not only was he rat, or a super-rat rather, he was also broke. Broke! I mean, but not a farthing. His family has money of course. But he personally is broke. Turns out he owes seven hundred thousand dollars. Can you imagine anyone owing seven hundred thousand dollars? Forty-three dollars, yes. Anyway, that´s why he decided to marry the Queen of the pig people. I´ll tell you one thing. Fred darling. I´d marry you for your money in a minute. Would you marry me for my money.

Paul:  In a minute.



seats  /siːts/ 座位(复)

发音规则: 一般说来,以t字母结尾的名词或动词之后加上s都发/ ts /音

词尾    students goats coats guests flights reports

           nights rights hearts hits projects waits

           eats gets meets rats cats plants


  meets /miːts/ 遇见          pets /pets/ 宠物

  plants /plɑːnts/ 植物        shots /ʃɑːts/ 发射

  shirts /ʃɜːrts/ 衬衫            pants /pænts/ 长裤

  rats /ræts/ 老鼠               boats /boʊts/ 船

  cats /kæts/ 猫                  fruits /fruːts/ 水果


  eat fruits  吃水果;           in the streets  在街上

  lots of seats  很多座位;  three cats  三只猫


  He has lots of cats. 他有很多只猫。

  The students are reading digests. 这些学生正在读文稿。

  There were many dates and nuts. 有很多的枣和坚果。

  One of the dentists treats me very well. 其中一个牙医对我很好。


  A:  Terry, I want to talk to you. 特里,我想和你谈谈。

  B:  Yes, Mr. Park. 好的帕克先生。

  A:  I hate to impose on you, but would you work overtime today? 我不愿意勉强你,但是你今天能加个班吗?

  B:  Will it be very late? 会加班到很晚吗?

  A:  I don´t believe so. All I´d like to do is to help me prepare the handouts for tomorrow´s meeting. 我相信不会。我要你做的只是帮我准备明天会议用的文字材料。


  A box of biscuits, a box of mixed biscuits. 一盒饼干,一盒什锦饼干。

  Bob bought three boxes of biscuits and two boxes of mixed biscuits. 鲍勃买了三盒饼干和两盒什锦饼干。


  carts  cats  nights  eats  hats  hurts  lights  lots  shirts  seats

  1.  He has lots cats. 他有很多只猫。

  2.  He often meets many bats in nights. 他经常在晚上遇到许多蝙蝠。

  3.  One of the dentists treats me very well. 其中一个牙医对我很好。

  4.  She washed 15 shirts in 12 minutes. 她在12分钟内洗了15件衬衫。

  5.  My left leg hurts. 我的左腿疼。

 seeds  /siː dz/ 种子

发音规则: 一般说来,以d字母结尾的名词或动词之后加上s都发/ dz /音

词尾  sands funds cards aids records

         standards goods hands seeds broads

          heads holds finds thousands feeds


  words /wɜːrks/ 单词         sands /sændz/ 沙滩

roads /roʊdz/ 道路            friends /frendz/ 朋友

heads /ˈhedz/ 头               kinds /kaɪndz/ 种类

hands /hændz/ 手             beds /bedz/ 床

seconds /ˈsekəndz/ 秒     cards /kɑːrdz/ 卡片


  different minds  不同的想法;   make friends  做朋友

  several brands  几种品牌;       several pounds  一些英镑


  Please go straight towards the roads. 请径直向公路走吧。

  He has three lovely birds. 他有三只可爱的小鸟。

  Few words, many deeds. 少说话,多做事。

  We should protect all kinds of birds. 我们应该保护各种鸟类。


  A:  Excuse me. What time is it? 打扰一下,现在几点了?

  B:  What happened to your watch? 你的手表怎么了?

  A:  My battery died. 电池没电了。

  B:  My watch says it´s a little past 4. But it tends to be a little fast. 我的手表显示4点多一点。但是我的手表的点儿快。


  Edward´s seeds are in the child´s hands. 爱德华的种子在那个孩子的手里。

  Tow toads have heavy loads on their backs. 两只蟾蜍的背上背着沉重的货物。


  bands  seeds  beds  deeds  fields  friends  funds  hands  kinds  birds

  1.  Ecation of kids is the social needs. 教育孩子是社会的需要。

  2.  Few words, many deeds. 少说话,多做事。

  3.  He has three lovely birds. 他有三只可爱的小鸟。

  4.  He stands there with books in head. 他站在那里,脑子里装着书。

  5.  The shirt needs washing. 这件衬衫需要洗了。



Michael:  How have you been?

Nika:  Fine. I found a job.

Michael:  Good. I´m glad.

Nika:  Is it awful being here?

Michael:  Remember the first place you stayed? That hotel by the airport? Only difference is $69 and the free shampoo.

Nika:  Always the brave face.

Michael:  You´re still wearing it.

Nika:  Every day, I worry about you.









Ⅵ 求 Bernard Malamud的the first seven yeas 的中文翻译


Feld, the shoemaker, was annoyed that his helper, Sobel, was soinsensitive to his reverie that he wouldn't for a minute cease hisfanatic pounding at the other bench. He gave him a look, but Sobel'sbald head was bent over the last as he worked and he didn't notice.


The shoemaker shrugged and continued to peer through the partlyfrosted window at near-sighted haze of falling February snow.


Neither the shifting white blur outside, nor the sudden deepremembrance of snowy Polish village where he had wasted hisyouth could turn his thoughts from Max the college boy .


whom he somuch respected because of the sacrifices he had made throughoutthe years- in winter or direst heat - to further his ecation.


An oldwish returned to haunt the shoemaker: that he had had a son instead of a daughter, but this blew away in the snow for Feld, ifanything, was a practical man.


Yet he could not help but contrast thediligence of the boy, who was a peddler's son, with Miriam's unconcern for an ecation.


True, she was always with a book inher hand, yet when the opportunity arose for a college ecation,she had said no she would rather find a job.


He had begged her to go,pointing out how many fathers could not afford to send their children to college, but she said she wanted to be independent.


Asfor ecation, what was it, she asked, but books, which Sobel, whodiligently read the classics, would as usual advise her on.Her answer greatly grieved her father.
