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发布时间: 2021-06-03 06:47:49

❶ 这条裤子看起来很好看的英语

These trousers look nice.或
The pants look very nice.

❷ 这件白色短裤很漂亮用英语怎么翻译

The white pants are very pretty.
The pair of white pants is very pretty.

❸ 这条紧身裤穿在她身上很好看 用英语翻译

She looks very good with this skinny pants.
This paire of skinny pants are very suitbale for her.

❹ 这条裤子非常适合我 怎么翻译 后面是very much

this pants suit me very much.


❺ 我喜欢这条裤子翻译英文 I like this

I love these pants

❻ 这条裤子看起来很好看。用英语写

您好,你可以这样这,This pair of troustres looks well谢谢你的提问,望采纳,谢谢

❼ 这条裤子也不错,英语翻译

This pair of trousers is nice,too.

❽ 用英语翻译:这条裤子多少

How much is this ( )?(裤子有很多种英文表示,得看你是哪种裤子,一般来说统称为 trousers 或者 pants (后者用的居多),牛仔裤是 jeans,短裤就是 shorts,内裤是 underwear)

❾ 我过去很喜欢这条裤子翻译

I used to like these trousers very much

❿ 这条裤子。 翻译

These pants